No Scores?

If you’re here that means you’re either outraged or bemused at the absence of a score from one of my reviews. Well, here’s my explanation for all that:

I’m personally not that huge a fan of the scoring system. I think Metacritic is doing nothing but bad for the video game industry and scores are quickly fizzling out in terms of their importance. Many reviews now are scrolled through simply to read a summary and a number at the end, both of which I have no intention of supplying.

I don’t want to treat anyone like a baby. Therefore I’d like anyone who reads my reviews to make an informed decision by themselves on the game they’ve just read about. If that means scores or summaries have to be omitted, then that’s the path I’ve chosen.

It’s not about narcissism and needing you to read my whole review, it’s about me being unable to properly convey what a game is like in a 1-10 number and four sentences of a summary. To that end, I felt the best way to combat that was to leave them out completely, hopefully a view which you agree with.

And yes, I know that some of the other websites I write for demand a scoring system, but that’s necessary for that website. If it was up to me, I wouldn’t be doing it!

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